
CoolSculptingMD is a nonsurgical body sculpting treatment that freezes and eliminates fat from your body with no downtime.

Discover the CoolSculptingMD technology

CoolSculptingMD is the only currently available non-surgical fat-reduction treatment. The controlled and targeted cooling method eliminates hard-t-shift fat that is nonresponsive to diet and exercise.

The treated fat cells are crystallized (frozen), then gradually processed and naturally eliminated by the body. Medical cryolipolysis is an effective alternative to the BELKYRA™ treatment for the chin area.

Each CoolSculptingMD treatment focuses on a precise area, thereby eliminating only the targeted fat cells and leaving the surrounding skin or tissues unharmed. It is not a weight loss solution.

  1. An applicator delivers precise and controlled cooling to the targeted area.
  2. The underlying fat cells are cooled to the precise temperature at which they crystallize.
  3. Over the next few weeks, your body naturally metabolizes these dead cells.
  4. No new cells will replace them; elimination is permanent and definitive.

With you from start to finish

  1. Free assessment of your needs with a Medicart aesthetic medicine expert
  2. Safe treatment with CoolSculptingMD technology approved by Health Canada
  3. Recommendations for complementary at-home care.
Play video How does a CoolSculptingMD treatment work?

How does a CoolSculptingMD treatment work?

A CoolSculptingMD session lasts about 35 minutes per treated area and requires no downtime. As cooling starts within the first few minutes, you will generally feel a sensation of intense cold, which quickly dissipates. With some applicators, you may feel a pulling sensation when suction is applied.

The area typically becomes numb after 5 to 10 minutes of treatment. At the end of the treatment, discomfort may occur as the numbing of the treated area wears off. Usually, only one treatment is sufficient, but some clients opt for a second treatment for more noticeable results. You can have a treatment your lunch break, or target multiple areas while watching a movie or working on your tablet.

An in-clinic follow-up is scheduled approximately 12 weeks after the first CoolSculptingMD session to confirm if a second cryolipolysis treatment will be necessary to achieve your goals. The number of CoolSculpting sessions required may vary depending on each individual’s goals, the treated area, and the amount of adipose tissue present. Your healthcare professional can assess your situation and recommend a personalized treatment plan.

Since treatment results vary from individual to individual, the information on this site as well as the clinical results photos are for information purposes only and do not guarantee precise results.

What is the cost of a CoolSculptingMD session?

The price varies depending on the number of sessions, the areas to be treated, and current promotions. For an evaluation of your needs and an exact price estimate for your customized treatment, we recommend you set a free and no obligation appointment with a Medicart expert. We understand that every person is unique and has specific needs, which is why we customize our treatment plans.

  • One CoolSculptingMD cycle $800

Client benefits

A recognized expertise

  • Cutting-edge technology

    To ensure your safety and satisfactory results

  • Protocol supervised by our medical direction

    CoolSculptingMD technology is the only non-surgical fat-reduction treatment

  • Competitive and affordable prices

    For a natural beauty enhancement at a competitive price

  • Complementary skin treatments to treat and hydrate

    Designed by international skincare experts

Learn more about Medicart


Warning: Photos displayed on this webpage come from our patient records and are published for informational purposes only regarding the treatments we provide and in no way are to be used as a guarantee of results.

Post treatment

To maintain the results of your CoolSculptingMD treatment, your medical esthetician will recommend complementary care tailored to your needs and skin type. A complete morning and nighttime beauty routine is recommended for longer-term results.

Medicart takes good care of you