Say good-bye to incontinence and improve your intimate health and wellness safely with BTL EMSELLATM technology.

Discover the BTL EMSELLATM technology

EMSELLATM helps patients regain control of their bladder and pelvic floor muscles to eliminate incontinence and improve intimate comfort.

EMSELLATM is a non-invasive therapeutic device approved by Health Canada for neuro-muscular tissue stimulation to treat all types of urinary incontinence in both men and women.

Neuro-muscular stimulation strengthens pelvic floor muscles, improves tissue oxygenation, and enhances blood circulation. It is also clinicially proven to improve intimate health.

Clinic that offers this treatment:

With you from start to finish

  1. Free assessment of your needs with a Medicart medical aesthetics expert
  2. Safe treatment using EMSELLATM technology, available in a series of sessions or as a single treatment
  3. Post-treatment recommendations
Play video How does BTL EMSELLATM treatment work?

How does BTL EMSELLATM treatment work?

EMSELLATM utilizes patented  focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to generate a highly concentrated electromagnetic field to deliver supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions.  During the treatment, the patient sits comfortably on the EMSELLATM chair while contractions recondition the muscles. .

This non-invasive procedure aims to improve quality of life and enhance intimate wellness. Once the treatment begins, it operates independently. The patient remains fully clothed throughout the approximately 30-minute session.


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How much does BTL EMSELLATM treatment cost?

For an evaluation of your needs and an exact price estimate for your customized treatment, we recommend you schedule a free and no obligation consultation with a Medicart expert. We believe that each person is unique and has specific needs. This is why we customize our treatment plans.

  • 6-session package Per session $300
  • Single session Per session $350

A recognized expertise

  • At the forefront of technology

    To ensure your safety and utmost satisfaction

  • Protocol supervised by our medical direction

    EMSELLATM technology is the benchmark for treating incontinence

  • Competitive and affordable prices

    For naturally enhanced beauty at a competitive price

  • Complementary skincare to treat and hydrate the skin

    Designed by international experts in skincare.

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