IPL hair removal

Discover IPL (intense pulsed light) hair removal: cutting-edge technology for smooth, hair-free skin, available at Medicart Quebec. This advanced technology provides long-lasting results and significant reduction in hair growth, allowing you to enjoy smooth and silky skin.

Discover IPL hair removal

The IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) hair removal treatment utilizes advanced technology to target hair follicles, reducing the growth of unwanted hair on various parts of the body. IPL hair removal is a semi-permanent hair removal method that uses light to target hair follicles and reduce their growth.

During an IPL hair removal session, a device emits pulses of light onto the skin, which are absorbed by the melanin in the hair. This light absorption converts energy into heat, damaging the hair follicle and inhibiting its ability to produce new hair. IPL is particularly effective on light skin and dark hair, as it is absorbed by the hair pigmentation.

On average, an IPL hair removal treatment consists of 12 to 15 sessions, spaced approximately 6 to 8 weeks apart, for optimal results. Our team of qualified professionals will guide you through the process, ensuring safe and effective treatment.

IPL hair removal is available at Medicart Quebec. Medicart clinics also offer laser hair removal treatments.

Clinic that offers this treatment:

With you form start to finish


How does a IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) hair removal treatment proceed?

A IPL hair removal treatment begins with an initial consultation with a medical aesthetic technician. This step allows for the assessment of your skin type, hair color and thickness, discussion of your expectations, and review of your medical history.

Before each treatment, the area to be treated is carefully outlined using a marker to ensure optimal treatment precision. Prior to treatment, the area is shaved to ensure optimal effectiveness of the pulsed light. Subsequently, the device is customized to specifically address your individual characteristics, whether in terms of hair density or skin sensitivity. Pulsed light pulses are then systematically applied, overlapping each area for even and complete coverage.

Following the treatment, a soothing balm may be applied to the treated area to comfort the skin and minimize any discomfort. It is crucial to carefully follow the post-treatment instructions provided by the medical aesthetic technician to optimize treatment results. By adhering to the recommended treatment plan, you can expect satisfactory and long-lasting results in your quest for smooth, hair-free skin.

Prenez rendez-vous

What is the price of an IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) hair removal package?

The price varies depending on the chosen technology, the number of sessions, the areas to be treated, and any ongoing promotions. For an accurate estimate of your specific treatment, we recommend you make an appointment for a complimentary and obligation-free consultation with a specialist at Medicart. We know that each person is unique and has specific needs. This is why we customize our treatment plans.

Client benefit

A recognized expertise

  • At the forefront of technology

    To ensure your safety and utmost satisfaction

  • Physician-supervised protocol

    Breakthrough hair removal technologies

  • Competitive and affordable prices

    For naturally-enhanced beauty at a competitive price

  • Complementary treatments to treat and hydrate the skin

    Designed by international skincare experts

Learn more about Medicart

After treatment

To get the most out of your hair removal treatment, your medical aesthetic technician will recommend complementary care tailored to your needs and skin type. Adopting a complete beauty routine in the morning and evening will let you enjoy the benefits of your treatment longer.

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