VenaSeal with Dr. Jason Leclair

General practitioner and medical director at the Medicart Ottawa clinic.

For what type of varicose veins is VenaSealtreatment recommended?

The VenaSealTM adhesive-based treatment technique is recommended for patients whose veins are too large or under too much pressure for other techniques. Patients looking for the best long-lasting treatment option for their faulty veins will often choose this route.

How does VenaSeal™ treatment work? Is it safe?

This advanced procedure involves injecting small amounts of medical glue to hold the vein walls together, thereby stopping and redirecting blood flow to the healthy veins. Studies have shown that VenaSealTM is just as safe as, or even safer than, alternative treatments. This is a non-invasive technique where we access the vein through a small catheter site in the lower leg. Pain during the procedure is minimal, and there is really no recovery time. Patients are told they can return to daily activities immediately after the procedure.

What is involved in a VenaSeal™ consultation at Medicart Ottawa?

As with any patient, it begins with taking a thorough history and conducting a physical exam. Next, we perform an ultrasound assessment to determine the extent of the patient’s venous disease and the anatomy involved, and then we discuss possible treatment options. Patients with large veins who want to be treated in the safest and fastest way will often choose VenaSealTM.

Did you know?

Dr. Lucie Beaupré founded the clinic in 1989. She was the first in the city to use foam sclerotherapy and ultrasound-guided injections and to adopt the VenaSeal™ procedure. Dr. Beaupré and Dr. Leclair are at the forefront of new technologies and treatments whenever it benefits their patients.


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