Brown Spots: How to Reduce Their Appearance

Over the years, repeated exposure of the skin to the sun can cause brown spots. If this sign of aging bothers you, know that there are solutions to address it. Let’s take a closer look at the two techniques available in our clinics to reduce the presence of brown spots.


Also known as intense pulsed light (IPL), this non-invasive aesthetic medicine technique involves emitting pulses of light onto different areas of the skin, such as the face, neck, hands, and chest.

Pulsed light penetrates into the dermis, which is the second layer of the skin. This process is very safe as it does not damage the epidermis, which is the outermost layer of the skin.

When the pulsed light reaches the skin tissues, it converts into heat. The heat absorbed by the sebaceous glands reduces pore size. And since collagen also absorbs heat, the skin gradually becomes smoother. Pulsed light also helps to coagulate red blood cells. As a result, redness is eliminated, and fragmented melanin reduces the appearance of brown spots. Skin pigmentation does not disappear completely, but it becomes much more subtle.

In addition to fading brown spots and redness on the skin, photorejuvenation also improves texture and enhances skin radiance.

During the treatment, patients may feel a sensation of warmth. After each treatment, the brown spots may appear darker, but they will decrease in intensity within 7 to 14 days.

Typically, IPL requires 4 to 6 sessions, each lasting 30 minutes, scheduled monthly. The effects are long-lasting, but we recommend one to two maintenance treatments per year thereafter. During and after the treatment, the use of sunscreen is necessary to prevent the appearance of new spots.


While photorejuvenation improves the skin’s appearance through the effect of light, chemical peels involve controlled professional exfoliation to regenerate the skin and reduce the appearance of brown spots.

A chemical peel treatment usually consists of multiple sessions in the clinic and complementary products to apply at home. Once again, this process is safe and non-invasive, providing skin smoothing and uniformity.

During a chemical peel treatment, a solution is applied to the skin and left on for a few minutes under the supervision of our qualified staff.

To target brown spots on mature skin, a chemical peel treatment is typically spaced over 16 weeks and includes 3 sessions and a high-quality product kit. As the brown spots fade, the complexion becomes less dull and smoother, fine lines become less pronounced, and pores become tighter.

Make an appointment without delay at a Medicart network clinic where you can receive a comprehensive facial diagnosis and an action plan.

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