Medicart Québec

Under the direction of Dr. Élizabeth Morency and Dr. Stéphane Maurice, Medicart Québec is located in the Sainte-Foy neighborhood and has been in operation since 1990. This specialized clinic in phlebology and aesthetic medicine offers a wide variety of cutting-edge treatments. Their mission is to safely and naturally rejuvenate and refresh your skin.

About this clinic


2954, boulevard Laurier, bureau 620
Québec (Québec) G1V 4T2


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Medical team of this clinic

  • Dr. Élizabeth Morency

    After completing her law studies and bar school, Dr. Morency pursued medicine at Laval University. At the end of her studies, her interest in aesthetics led her to undergo training in phlebology. She then initiated her practice in family medicine, simultaneously taking her initial steps as a phlebologist. Once the owner of her own clinic, she quickly diversified the care offered to her patients by introducing services such as laser hair removal, photorejuvenation, and fillers based on collagen and hyaluronic acid. Over time, technological advances in aesthetic medicine led her to explore neuromodulator injections and various injectables containing hyaluronic acid. She enrolled in the most recognized training courses to update her practice in these areas, and her proficiency in phlebology proved to be an asset. A member of the College of Physicians of Quebec, the Canadian Medical Association, and a Fellow of the Canadian Society of Phlebology, the American College of Phlebology, the Canadian Association of Aesthetic Medicine, and the Quebec Bar, Dr. Morency consistently maintains her knowledge at the highest level. This involves participating in conferences organized by various associations to which she belongs, attending classes taught by luminaries in medicine, as well as engaging in numerous congresses. Furthermore, her renown has earned her the title of invited member of international congresses organized by the Allergan Medical Institute (AMI). Learn more
  • Dr. Stéphane Maurice

    Dr. Stéphane Maurice, an aesthetic physician and practitioner in family medicine, has an impressive academic background. He obtained a Bachelor of Science degree from McGill University in 1984, followed by a Master's degree in Psychology from the University of Montreal in 1989. He then earned his Medical Doctorate from Laval University in 1990 and completed his Diploma in family medicine at the same university in 1992. Dr. Maurice has extensive expertise in medical aesthetics, including lip augmentation, correction of facial asymmetries, reduction of under-eye circles and double chin, as well as hand rejuvenation. His mastery of these techniques also allows him to meet the growing needs of men who seek the benefits of aesthetic medicine. Learn more
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